In the last few days, as I prepare for my 3760 km canoe trip, it’s come down to the last minute rush. I’ve been preparing all year, but now it’s down to the last details and I’ve been so busy.
I’ve sorted all my supplies into different dry bags. I’ve been getting my last minute business tasks taken care of for the time that I’ll be away. Also, I’ve made sure that the truck is ready for my wife, Sara- Lynne, because she’ll be making the trip up the Dempster Highway with her parents to pick me up.
I have shipped off food packages and supplies to different drop off spots. I’ve planned those according to the distance of where I’ll need them. I recently added Taiga, my travel companion, so I also need to get her food shipped.
Just today I rigged up for sailing. I thought it would be a good addition for the days the wind is in my favour, so I added that to my list today. I’m using a Clipper C1 Canoe, which is a travel expedition canoe, so it can be paddled as a canoe or a kayak. It’s very sturdy and will be able to safely transport me, Taiga and between 300 - 400 lbs of gear.
I have a few interviews to do before I leave, so I’m sure that between my final to-do list and those, Thursday will come very quickly.

Go well, Dave, with each section of your journey. Please record all portages because, as all who paddle the north know, many of these wonders of Indigenous ingenuity are fast disappearing. Each is a unique problem-solving solution, without which European "exploration" could not have happened. (I'm currently a History major at the U of Saskatchewan, and ideas are germinating for graduate studies.) But the portage can be a metaphor for a major life transition, one that can test all our faculties, as did my first portage, the one over Wolverine Creek between Amisk and Wolverine Lake. I had just started paddling and had no clue about portages. I've cut ties with FB, but Buz told me about your tough initial…
The Clipper Sea 1 is an excellent canoe. Enjoy the journey.
Be safe and have the most amazing adventure! Thank you for sharing it with all of us!
I wish you and Taiga a safe and memorable trip. You are very brave and I look forward to your posts.